Episode 67 - Annie Talks with Ellen Kainoa | Author of “Romancing the Season: An Anthology of Holiday Romance from Sweet to Hot”
Annie Rivera
- March 04, 2019
Ellen Kainoa is an author, wife and proud mama of two kids. She has lived in Orange
County, California almost all her life and grew up alongside a gaggle of tight-knit siblings and cousins.
The inspiration for New Year, Same Me comes from a devastating breakup line she overheard once and she created Lani who was the perfect character to play out that plot bunny. Ellen writes contemporary romance stories about mainland Polynesians featuring characters. Lani, Afu, Mata, and Jorge will make cameos in the upcoming Kahele series.
Follow Ellen:
Twitter - www.Twitter.com/EllenKainoa
Instagram - www.Instagram.com/KainoaEllen
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